
500+ Best WhatsApp Games Dare Questions & Answers


Friends, we all know the importance of WhatsApp in our lives. Today you will not find anyone who has a smartphone without WhatsApp. It is because of WhatsApp that we keep in touch with our friends, relatives, and colleagues.

We play WhatsApp games like truth & dare games, ask truth & dare questions, and many more such activities with our friends. Often we also search dare games for WhatsApp on Google to share the dare games with WhatsApp contacts

These kinds of text dare games also sometimes strengthen the relationships with our friends, and relatives. I know that there must be some friends in your contact list, who never message you, or just message you occasionally. At the same time, this dare game for WhatsApp starts the conversations with them.

You can also use these types of Online games to start a conversation with your crush. That’s why our team has collected and created a list of the best WhatsApp dare games, WhatsApp games for crushes, friends, and other WhatsApp contacts. Apart from WhatsApp dare, we also play Question-answer games for WhatsApp like guessing the movie name, song name, etc

We regularly add new Whatsapp dare games regularly. You just need to visit our blog every day to get updated WhatsApp games. We cover a wide range of daring topics like –

YouTube video for WhatsApp dare game

We have created a video format for this WhatsApp dare question, If you want to watch it then tap on the Play video.

You can also join friends’ new Whatsapp groups join links to get new friends and new dare games for WhatsApp

Truth and dare questions for girlfriend Love dare quiz in Hindi
Whatsapp love dare game with the answerName the country game
Pick a number using EmojisGuess the songs using Emojis
Mind game WhatsApp answersSelfie task game on WhatsApp
Family game on WhatsAppApril fool dare game for WhatsApp
Secret message link WhatsApp status gameWhatsapp games with riddles
Whatsapp puzzle gamesDare for WhatsApp using story images
Whatsapp loves questions and answers gameNew Year Dare Game WhatsApp
Okay, friends, you scroll down to get Amazing Whatsapp games. And keep visiting our blogs regularly to get new and latest WhatsApp dare questions

Latest Whatsapp game of March 2025

Word Scramble Whatsapp Game


You must have played Word Scramble offline with your friends. Let’s now share and play the same game with your online friends.

Send these scrambled words to your friends and ask them to send the answers.

  1. ECFRO
  2. ELLC
  4. SMEUO
  7. HEATR
  12. RETHA
  15. YTPE
  16. YPREL


  1. FORCE
  2. CELL
  6. HEART
  11. HEART
  14. TYPE
  15. REPLY

Whatsapp riddle questions to share

You can ask these riddle questions to your WhatsApp friends to start a conversation

  1. What needs to be broken in order to make use of it?
  2. When I am young I am tall and when I am old I am short. what am I?
  3. Which month of the year has 28 days?
  4. What’s full of holes, but it still holds water?
  5. Tell me a question that you can never answer YES?
  6. What is it that has many eyes but cannot see?
  7. I am always hungry and will die if not fed, but anything I touch will soon turn red. what am I?
  8. What is the end of everything?
  9. If there are three apples and you take out two, how many apples do you have?
  10. Which is the one that has 13 hearts, but no other organs?
  11. What is it that has words but never speaks?


  1. An egg
  2. A candle
  3. All of them
  4. A sponge
  5. Are you asleep yet?
  6. A potato
  7. Fire
  8. The alphabet “G”
  9. Two
  10. A book
  11. A deck of cards

This is the latest and trending WhatsApp game of March 2025

Choose one animal to know your dare


  • 😺Poll dance for 1 minute with an imaginary pole
  • 🐵Tell everyone an embarrassing story about yourself
  • 🐶Give someone your phone and let them send one text to anyone in your contacts
  • 🐺Do your best expression of a baby being born
  • 🦁Tell the saddest story you know
  • 🐯Imitate a celebrity every time you talk
  • 🦒Eat a raw onion
  • 🦊Let someone tickle you for 15 seconds. No laughing. Send a video
  • 🐮Write “GoodBye” in big letters on your WhatsApp status
  • 🐼Sing your favorite song and upload it on your WhatsApp status
✅ Discover 9 ways to send messages on WhatsApp without saving number or contacts

1. Whatsapp dare: Number choose game

Whatsapp dare: Number choose game

These are the latest games for friends with answers where your friends have to select their favourite number to know the dare. You can change the number to make the pick-a-number funnier as per your need

A. Whatsapp Dare number game

Select your favourite number😅

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0



9 – Rate me as a friend from 1 to 10😋
8 – What do you like the most about me?😊
7 – Tell me your girlfriend/boyfriend’s name.😉
6 – Call me and sing an English song for me.😁
5 – Write a Whatsapp status dedicated to me😀
4 – Recharge a 10Rs pack in my number😂
3 – Tell me something which you do not like about me…🤣
2 – What kind of relationship do you expect from me?🤩
1 – Rate my looks from 1 to 10.😎
0 – Send me your selfie with a funny filter on it😍

B. Pick a number WhatsApp game

Select Any One Number and Reply to me😋

How do you think I am?

▶💢 1️⃣ 2️⃣ 3️⃣ 4️⃣ 5️⃣ 6️⃣ 7️⃣ 8️⃣ 9️⃣ 🔟 💢◀

Share with your friends and see which number you get the most


1️⃣= Very beautiful/Handsome

2️⃣= Innocent Boy

3️⃣= Attractive Personality

4️⃣= Lovely look

5️⃣=  Irritating guy

6️⃣= Very strong

7️⃣= So Sweet

8️⃣= Funny Character

9️⃣= Crazy

🔟= Open-Minded

C. Whatsapp choose a number game with answers

Choose one of these numbers…if you dare!!!! For each number you choose, I’ll give you a fun dare! 😉😉!! Reply immediately and something good will happen to you😜😜

10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55


10 – Send me your most embarrassing picture😁

15 – Peel a potato with your teeth and send me the video😂

20 – Do whatever I will tell you for the rest of the day😉

25 – Draw something hilarious on your forehead with a marker pen and send the pic😊

30 – Remove a hair of yours and send me the pic😋

35 – Bark like a dog for 5 minutes and send me the video😎

40 – Tell me the most stupid thing you still do🤗

45 – Walk around down the street like a monkey and send me the video😜

50. Tell me the thing you still have an emotional attachment to😝

55 – Send me a pic of a weird face reaction that You can ever make 😬

D. Choose a number game

Choose any 3 digit number from the given list and I will show you, Who You Are. 😀 Reply Fast to know the secret!!🤭🤭

  • 000 😜
  • 111 😝
  • 222 😛
  • 333 😃
  • 444 😭
  • 555 😀
  • 666 😣
  • 777 😝
  • 888 😥
  • 999 😣


000 😜 – Handsome

111 😝 – Lovely & Caring

222 😛 – Silent killer

333 😃 – True lover

444 😭 – Cheater

555 😀 – Love Addict

666 😣 – Heart Breaker

777 😝 – Proud And Sweet

888 😥 – Sleep expert

999 😣 – Hard Worker

E. Choose number game for WhatsApp

Choose a number between 1 – 5 😝 then I will send some dare  💖 games that you have to complete. 

✨ 1️⃣ 2️⃣ 3️⃣ 4️⃣ 5️⃣ ✨

Dare Answers:

1️⃣ Send the cutest childhood pic of yours. 🙂

2️⃣ Write my name on your status and say “Bye Forever” 😆 

3️⃣ Stop using WhatsApp for 1 day. 😛

4️⃣ Make a pout and send me a video clip. 😜

5️⃣ Tell me a food/dish that you don’t share with anybody. 🍔

F. Choose the number game

Choose one of these numbers…🤩😋if you DARE!!!! For every number you pick, I will give you a fun present! Answer immediately.😅😄

✅101 ✅ 202 ✅ 303 ✅ 404 ✅ 505 ✅ 606 ✅ 707 ✅ 808 ✅ 909 ✅ 000

Dare Answers :

101 – Write “Got engaged” In Your Whatsapp Status 👬

202 – Act like a chicken and send me the video

303 – Eat a teaspoon of sugar

404 – Draw something funny on your face with a marker pen and post the pic

505 – Write your name on soap and send me the pic

606 – Show me one of your talents and send me the video/photo

707 – Tell me the most childish thing you still do as an adult

808 – Walk around the house or down the street like a zombie and send me the video

909 – Tell me the silliest thing you still have an emotional attachment to

000 – Bark like a dog for 2 minutes and send me the video

You can check a tool developed by us to play with your WhatsApp friends or to make small decisions in your everyday life: Yes No Wheel

G. Whatsapp Dare game- Pick a Number

Choose a 4-digit number and I will tell you about the personality of your future life partner!


💌 1238

💌 5467

💌 1649

💌 5555

💌 1648

💌 5346

💌 1515

💌 5999

Dare Answers:

💌5591 – Boring

💌1238 – Attractive

💌 5467 Loving

💌 1649 – Sweet and Simple

💌 5555 Full of Attitude

💌 1648 – Romantic

💌 5346 Caring

💌 1515 Short-tempered

💌 5999Talkative/Frank natured

H. Number choose a game

Pick a number between 1 and 50 and I’ll give you a dare according to the selected number.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Dare hidden behind each number :

1 Give a rose to your crush.

2 What do you think about me?

3 Send me all love emojis

4 Gift me something when we meet next time.

5 Give me a Chicken Biriyani Party.

6 Take a selfie with your parents and send it to me.

7 Recharge my mobile number with Rs.50

8 Cry like a baby and record a video

9 Change your Facebook password.

10 Draw a funny picture of yourself on a piece of paper and send me the photo.

11 Take a selfie with your mom and send it.

12 Send any 5 best pictures of you.

13 Uninstall your WhatsApp for 2 hours.

14 Send any voice note to me.

15 Keep ‘Hi all‘ on your WhatsApp status

16 Plan a dinner/lunch for me.

17 Give a funny nickname to me.

18 Don’t message me for the next 4 days.

19 Go and kiss your Papa.

20 Buy a bar of Dark chocolate for me.

21 Write about me in your WhatsApp Status.

22 Send the screenshots or your last 3 WhatsApp conversations(Don’t include mine)

23 Download my WhatsApp DP and use the same for your DP.

24 Send a screenshot of your phone’s home screen.

25 Call me and talk for 1 hour.

26 Block me on WhatsApp for 2 days.

27 Send a message saying “I Miss You” to any 5 contacts. 

28 Play the same dare with your 10 contacts

29 Rate my DP out of 10.

30 Take a picture of your location and send it to me.

31 Action act for a funny song, record it and send it to me.

32 Change your WhatsApp status saying you are in love with me.

33 Call me and make annoying sounds.

34 Take a selfie with me when we meet next time.

35 Hug your mom for 2 minutes.

36 Shout on me like your dad.

37 Make a monkey face and send a picture to me.

38 Send any funny message to your best friend.

39 Don’t bathe for the next 2 days.

40 Let’s play a ludo game.

41 Send me your cute picture.

42 Imagine your pillow as me and do whatever you want.

43 Call me and give me a unique nickname.

44 Put a WhatsApp story with my picture and describe our character.

45 Make a call to customer care and talk nonsense for 10 minutes.

46 Sing your favorite song and send it as a voice note.

47 Slap yourself and record it.

48 Tell me your crush’s name.

49 Say ‘Cheese’😁 and send me the pic.

50 Wear the same clothes for 2 days without washing them.

I. Whatsapp game by selecting numbers

Choose one number and see what feeling I have about you

🔘99 🔴87 🟠72 🟡45 🟢01 🔵061 🟣82 🟤91 ⚫77 ⚪37

Dare Answers of Number Whatsapp game:

🔘99 – I Love You💑💑💑💑

🔴87 – I want to Kill You🤨🤨🤨

🟠72 – I Hate You😣😣😣

🟡45 –  I Like You😋😋😋

🟢01 – I Fight With You😆😆😆

🔵061 – I want to marry you🙂🙂🙂

🟣82 – I want to go for dinner with you 🍽🍴🥃

🟤91 – I want to eat with you🤤🤤🤤🤤

⚫77 – I want to die with you👭👨‍👦‍👦

⚪3 – I miss you 😞😞😔

Image Whatsapp game – Spot the face

Find the human face present in this image⬇️

Find the human face present in this image


Find the human face present in this image and answer

Spot the odd element

Find what is odd in this photo

Spot the odd element

Answer :

500+ Best WhatsApp Games Dare Questions & Answers

J. Whatsapp dare game with numbers

Choose any number from 1 to 27 and be ready to accept the dare. Share it with your friends to check how far this WhatsApp dare game goes🧐🤭🤪😬

Choose any number from 1 -27 and be ready 

🎃01 🎃02 🎃03 🎃04 🎃05 🎃06 🎃07 🎃08 🎃09 🎃10 🎃11 🎃12 🎃13 🎃14 🎃15 🎃16 🎃17 🎃18 🎃19 🎃20 🎃21 🎃22 🎃23 🎃24 🎃25 🎃26 🎃27

Dare Answers:

1. Send a voice note saying that You love me.

2. Give me a treat

3. Write my name ♥️ in your status 😆

4. Ignore messages of your 5 WhatsApp friends except me😜

5. Tell me a secret about your love life?💞

6. Delete my number 😕

7. Make my picture your DP for 1 day

8. Send a pic of your legs

9. Who am I for You?.

10. Take a picture of yourself & send it to me now

11. Don’t talk to me for 1 day 🥺

12. Ask me out for a dinner

13. Send me your latest picture

14. What was your secret?

15. What’s your deepest secret?😲

16. Send me a voice note saying my name in a loud voice! 🥴

17. Tell me something you always wanted to say but you couldn’t

18. Write my name on your status saying you love me..!!

19. Share my Instagram id with your 20 friends

20. Write your phone number in your status for 1 day!! B)

21. Send me a picture of what you are doing now.

22. Go live on insta/Facebook for 10 seconds

23. Tell me one thing you have never told anyone

24. What characters do you want in your life partner

25. Describe me with a single Movie name?

26. How did you find me?

27. Send a pic of your crush

K. Dare games for WhatsApp using numbers

Please select 1 No. I will tell you why people love you

🎨1 🎨2 🎨3 🎨4 🎨5 🎨6 🎨7

Don’t ignore this dare. Reply quickly, you will receive something unexpected


1. Because you are Good looking 🤭

2. Because you are Shy 😏

3. You are funny😜😬

4. You are very open-minded 😬

5. You have a Good dressing sense😋

6. Your Hairstyle looks awesome🤪

7. Because you are a caring person😇

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2. Whatsapp Truth & Dare game

Choose a gift box From 1 to 54 And have a dare. 😈😈So be careful 😈😈 Your choice is at your risk 😂😂







😂😂 #Extremely #dangerous 😂

Dare Answer : 

  1. Send a Long kiss emoji

2. Buy a data pack for my phone number

3. Give me a pani poori trear

4. Save My Number as “Dream Boy”

5. What’s Your height?🙊

6. Send your favourite pic

7. Write my name on your hand and Send Me Photo of it

8. Give me a icecream Treat🍨

9. Put your status for a day saying “I got featured in newspaper”

10. Take a picture of your bedroom & Send it to me

11. Tell me something that I don’t know about you

12. Call Me And Tell “Hey Sweetheart”

13. Which shampoo do you use?

14. What kind of relationship do you want with me?

15. Write ‘ I met SRK/Salman Khan’ yesterday on your status 😛

16. Call any wrong number and say ‘sorry wrong number’

17. Write my name nn your Status with a love /blush emoji..!!

18. Show me your Angry face.

19. What do you do when your parents shout at you?🙎

20. Write my name on your status for 5 minutes!

21. Put my photo as Your DP my As Status🥰

22. What do you think About Me?

23. Tell Me One Thing You Have Never Told Anyone😈

24. Let’s go out for a Movie Or Dinner 🙈

34. Send a voice clip singing a funny song 📧

35. Send a pic of your Ex🤪

36. Put your status for a day saying “I Miss You (My Name)”😌

37. Take a selfie & send it to me right now👩

38. Send a photo of your chappal

39. Sing a song like Dhinchak Pooja😬

40. Send me a pic of the weird face reaction that you can ever make 😅

41. Tell me one funny name you ever gave to your teacher

42. What’s your secret desire?😋

43. Tell me a thing that you never want to lose🤗

44. Tell me a strange dream that you saw while sleeping 😪🛌

45. Describe me in one word?😆

46. What term you have recently searched on Google😝😬

47. Send me a screenshot of your Mobile Homepage

48. Remove your DP and replace it with any animal photo😀

49. Call one of your friends and say ‘OK BYE’

50. Write my full name on your status Saying ‘ He is missing’.😜😆

51. Name a dish that you want to eat every day 😛

52. Send me a🌹 Rose

53. Make my pic your home screen photo and send me the screenshot😉

54. Send me a collage pic of you with Your maximum makeup and no makeup at all 😀

#Complete Your Dare

3. Whatsapp choose a color game with answers

Choose a color and I will tell you about your personality 😎:

1. White 🌼

2. Black 🖤

3. Grey 🌚

4. Blue 💙

5. Green 💚

6. Red ❤

7. Pink 💗

8. Yellow 💛

9. Purple 💜

10. Orange ❤


1. White 🌼: Innocent

2. Black 🖤: You are moody and sophisticated.

3. Grey 🌚: You’re afraid of commitment.

4. Blue 💙: Calm and cool

5. Green 💚: Nature Lover

6. Red ❤: Bold and have the ability to make a long-lasting impression

7. Pink 💗: You’re childish and cute.

8. Yellow 💛: You are an optimistic person.

9. Purple 💜: You impractically tackle the world.

10. Orange ❤: You are friendly and easygoing.

4. Emoji dare questions

Emoji Whatsapp dare questions

In this WhatsApp dare game category, you will give emojis to your friends, and from the list of emojis, you will ask them to choose one. After they answer, you simply send the dare game hidden behind each emoji and ask them to complete it without cheating

A. Dare game for WhatsApp with emoji

Choose the emoji face, to know about your hidden dare behind the emoji

😘 😚 😍 😙 😜 😝 😛 😄 😃 😀 😗 😒 😊 😉 😳 😁 😭 😌 🤑 😞 😣 😢 😂 😏 😪 😥 😰 😅

Dare Answer : 

😘 – Tell me one secret that you never decided to tell anyone

😚 – Give me a Cadbury silk chocolate when u meet me.

😍 –  Write “I will leave home forever” in your status

😙 – Replace your DP with my DP for 20 minutes

😜 – Tell me your current crush’s name

😝 – Update your status by saying you won a lottery.

😛 – Share my phone number with your 5 close female friends

😄 – Send me your family photo

😃 – Tell me your last exam mark

😀 – What do you find unique about me?

😗- Keep my name with your name in your status for 4 hours.

😒 – Give me a gift when you meet me.

😊 – Complete any work that I will ask you to do.

😉 – Send me an instant selfie of yours.

😳 – Recharge my phone number with a plan above Rs100

😁 – Send me Rs 20.

😭 – Describe me in 1 line.

😌 – Take me for a dinner

🤑 – Tell me what is your height?

😞 – Tell me your nickname

😣 –At what age do you want to marry?

😢 –Have you ever had a crush on your teacher?.

😂 –Keep  a sad emoji in your WhatsApp status that

😏 – I will ask you three questions which you have to answer honestly.

😪 – I will send you a photo, keep that photo as your DP

😥 – Propose to me right now.

😰 –Record a video of yourself saying something and send it to me

😅 – Write a joke and forward it to 5 friends

B. WhatsApp quiz game using emojis

Choose any Emoji from the below list and send me, after that, I will tell you who you are. You wouldn’t believe it. Try it. Also, share with your friends.

😀 ❤ 💔 💖 😑 😊 🙄 😍 😎 😴 🤩 💥 😘

Dare Answer : 

😀 True friend.

❤ Sweetheart.

💔 Heartbreaker

🙄 Drug Addict.

💖 Sweet Heart

😍 A true lover.

😎 Hard worker.

😴 Very Lazy.

😊 Beautiful

😑 Stupid

🤩 Handsome.

💥 Hot and Spicy.

😘 Best flirter.

C. Challenge game for WhatsApp using emojis

Select anyone and reply within 2 minutes.














Answer :

💪💪: Put My DP on your WhatsApp for 2 days

👏👏: Show your love for me

👉👉: Show me the photo of your hairs

👊👊: Come to a Party with Me

✊✊: Give me a digital Kiss 😘

👌👌: Post I Love You status for 2 days on your Facebook timeline

👋👋: Give me a Tight Hug

👐👐: Send me your Worst Pic.

🙌🙌: Tell me the best you see in me

🙏🙏: Tell me, What do you hate most about me?

👎👎: Troll me like Kapil

✌✌: Send Me I Love You 5 Times ❤

☝☝: Tell me the name of your all Crushes till now.

D. Truth and Dare game for WhatsApp using color emoji

Choose any color emoji from the given list. Let’s see how courageous you are to complete the dare😲😛

🟥 🟧 🟨 🟩 🟦 🟪 🟫 ⬛ ⬜

Dare answers :

🟥 Select one wedding invitation and send it to me

🟧 Propose me in a different style

🟨 Come out for a drive tomorrow.

🟩 Spend your next 2 hours with me in the park.

🟦 Hug me in a public place

🟪 Send a photo of your eyes to me.

🟫 Let’s go out for lunch today.

⬛ Give me an ice cream treat

⬜ Make a video call to me and talk for 5 min

🔳 Treat me when we meet next time

🔲 Distribute chocolates on my birthday with your neighborhood

🔷 Present me an Amazon gift card.

🔺 Make a voice call to me and tell a slang word

E. Dare game for WhatsApp using Whatsapp emoji

Select one fruit emoji …and get ready for the dare












Dare Answer : 

🍏> Let me use your internet all day long, whenever you meet me (Hotspot – Wi-Fi)

🍋> Send me a picture of what are you doing now

🍒> Tell me one thing you have never told anyone

🍇> Call me right now

🌽> Send me ur cutest pic

🍠> Send me a funny video

🍍> Put your status for a day saying “I am mad”

🍐> Make our combined picture in ur DP for 1 day

🍌> Be my personal assistant for 1 hour

🍈>Try to touch your nose with your tongue and send me the pic!

🍑> Tell me your any 1 secret

5. Dare games for WhatsApp- How much do you know about me?

In this WhatsApp dare game, you will ask your friends to fill in the gap. Do you ask questions like how much you know about me? what do you like about me? What do you know about my interests? etc.

A. Friendship friends dare game with answer

Let’s see how much you know about me!

I’ll put it in my WhatsApp Status if I like it 😜

Q # 1) My Birthday?

Q # 2) Which word do I say most?

Q # 3) I Love which ice cream flavor?

Q # 4) My Bad Habits?

Q # 5) My favorite actor/actress?

Q # 6) Best Part of my face?

Q # 7) Who am I for you?

B. Whatsapp quiz games

Don’t cheat and give genuine answers as soon as see the message

  • What will you do when we met: 😊
  • What name did you save my number on your phone😜 :
  • Who I am to you? 😂:
  • One word that describes 😚 me:
  • What do you dislike about 😂 me:
  • Your First impression of me 😛:
  • What will you offer if I visit your home today? 😂: 
  • Do you trust me 100% ?😃

Send this to your friends and get an amazing reply but reply to me first I will put my story on Facebook and also make a WhatsApp status by taking a screenshot

C. Dare games – truth & dare questions

Fill in the gap with your best possible answers

  • What do you feel 😀 about me?
  • Who is your best friend 💖?
  • Things you like most about me🧡?
  • What is my name on 😙 your contact list?
  • What is the feature that attracts 😌 you to a boy/girl?
  • Have you ever been 😊 jealous of someone? If so, who and why?
  • What do you like 😉 about yourself?

Send it to your friends and get amazing replies but reply to me first.

D. Whatsapp truth and dare games- Whatsapp award fare March 2025

Nominees for WhatsApp Awards March 2025.. Send this to all your contacts including me, and see what awards you will get… But reply to me first:

So what award do I deserve???

1. Finest dp👌

2. Best cheeks🙈

3. Most Annoying😤

4. Beautiful hairs👧

5. Best Dressed👗👚

6. Most Creative😁

7. Most Adorable❤

8. Best Eyes👁

9. Always online😂

10. Best Personality❤

11. Dramebaaz🤡

12. Sweet voice😚

13. Funny😂

14. Best status uploader😅

15. Prettiest❤

16. Handsome✌

17. Romantic😍

18. Cuteness overloaded😘

19. Talkative👻

20. Sweetest😚

What do you vote for me?

E. Truth or dare questions

Fill in the blanks with “One Word”

Where did you first see me?

Answer: _______

What did you feel, when you saw me for the first time?

Answer: ________

The best quality you see in me?

Answer: _________

Guess my favorite color?

Answer: _________

What is my biggest fear?

Answer: _________

Do you think I’m crazy for you?

Answer: _________

What will you give me for my next birthday?


Where do you want to travel with me?

Answer: ________

Which song describes our relationship?

Answer: ________

Am I a good friend?

Answer: _________

6. Whatsapp dare games for lovers

Whatsapp dare games for lovers selfie

These are the dare games for couples, lovers, and boyfriends/girlfriends to make their WhatsApp conversations more interesting. Any lover can send these WhatsApp dares to start chatting with their loved ones

A.Whatsapp dare game for lovers

Send any 2 of these pictures/ screenshots to me❤🧡

  • Your favorite photo with me 💛
  • The last gift which I gave you💚
  • Your browser history 💙
  • Place you want to visit with me🤎
  • A selfie when you are reading this🤍
  • Your dream house💘
  • Write my name on your forehead (without using a mirror)😍
  • Your funniest photo💝
  • Your Wi-Fi password pic💟
  • The dress you want me to wear when we meet next time💌

B. Couples dare game for WhatsApp

Send me any of these photos now

  1. Cutest picture of your puppy🥰
  2. Your favorite gift which I gave you🎁
  3. Your dream country to live✈
  4. Your favorite selfie of mine👩
  5. Place you need to see before you die🏝
  6. Your funny childhood photo🤶👨‍🦲
  7. A weird face reaction that You can ever make🥴
  8. The first selfie we took together👩‍❤️‍👩
  9. The ugliest person you have seen in your life 💩
  10. Your favorite dress which you want me to wear all the time👗
  11. Your internet browser history 🌍
  12. Write your dream baby’s name on your arm 🤱

C. Whatsapp dare questions for BF/GF

These dare games are created for lovers. There are 10 questions that you have to ask your lover (To your G.F or B.F) and check what he/she thinks about you. It is a fun game and some of the questions and dares are hard. That is why it will be fun to send these questions and wait for the answers😀

1. What contact name did you save my number on your phone?

Answer: ___________________

2. What nickname do you want to give me?

Answer: ____________________

3. What are things do you hate most about me?

Answer: _____________________

4. What Color suits me?

Answer: _____________________

5. A Relation status that you want to be with me? (No cheating)

Answer: _____________________

6. The thing you like most in my character?

Answer: _____________________

7. One best piece of advice that you can give me?


8. Best cartoon character you see in me?

Answer: ____________________

9. Dedicate a song to our relationship?

Answer: ____________________

10. Rate my WhatsApp profile picture out of 100?

Answer: _____________________

D. Whatsapp dare games for lovers

Send these interesting Dare Games for Crush/Lovers and ask him/her to reply to all questions in 5 minutes.🥱😇

1. Your first Crush’s name?

2. If you have permission to Kiss anyone in the world, whom you will choose to Kiss?

3. What is your stupid dream?

4. The quality do you like the most in yourself?

5. The quality you’d like the most in me?

6. What do you hate about me?

7. The thing you want to change in me?

8. In your interest, the person you like to marry.

9. Your Best Friend’s Name.

10. Which part of my face do you like

D. Dare game for WhatsApp(Lovers)

Here are the simple questions, you have to ask these questions to get answers from your lover and check how much she/he loves you.

Which Word do I Say Most? 

  • My Favourite Movie?
  • On which day did I propose to you?
  • Is my Contact name on your phone?
  • The things you hate in me?
  • What things do you like most about my personality?
  • One memorable day you spent with me?
  • Which dress color suits me the most?
  • My Favourite Food?
  • Rate me as your lover out of 100.
  • Do you feel bad if I talk with other girls?
  • Send these dare messages to your love and check out his/her interesting answers.

E. Send these questions to your loved ones to know what answers you get

  1. If you could travel back in time to the moment you first fell in love, what would you say to yourself?
  2. What are your favorite memories of being in love?
  3. Do you think true love exists? Tell me about your experience with it.
  4. When do you know that you’re in love?
  5. How do you know if someone is worth falling in love with?
  6. What is the most romantic thing you’ve ever done for your partner?
  7. What do you think is the key to a lasting and successful love relationship?
  8. How do you know when you’re in love?
  9. How do you know if your partner is really the one for you?
  10. Why do people fall out of love?
  11. What is the most romantic thing you have ever done for your partner?
  12. What do you think is the key to a lasting and successful relationship?
  13. Do you think love is everything people say it is?
  14. What are your thoughts on soul mates?
  15. How do you define love?

7. English Tongue twister Whatsapp dare game

English Tongue twister Whatsapp dare game

In these types of dare games, you will send some tongue twister sentences to your friends and ask them to send the recorded voice saying tongue twisters.

Whatsapp games for friends with answers

Don’t spoil the fun. Send to all contacts. Recording time 10 seconds

Send me your voice record by saying the following words

  1. How many cookies could a good cook if a good cook could cook cookies? A good cook could cook as many cookies as a good cook could cook cookies.
  2. Imagine an imaginary menagerie manager managing an imaginary menagerie.
  3. Six sick hicks nick six slick bricks with picks and sticks.
    The sixth sick sheik’s sixth sheep’s sick.
    The sixth sitting sheet-slitter slit six sheets.
  4. A skunk sat on a stump and thunk the stump stunk, but the stump thunk the skunk stunk
  5. Nine nice night nurses nursing nicely

Don’t cheat, and try to complete the sentence one at a time. Once you get stuck you will fail.

Hindi Tongue Twister Whatsapp dare game

Friendship friends dare game with answer

😝😜Hey, Janta hu free baithe ho….😅toh chaolo Ek WhatsApp game khelte hai….😂Ye Whatsapp dare game aapko complete Karni hai. 😋Aapko mai kuch tongue twisters dene wala hu, unme see kisi ek twister ko aapko bina ruke bolna hai. Fir aapko bolte hue record karna hai aur bhejna hai.😆

  1. daalee daalee pe nazar daalee, kisee ne achchhee daalee, kisee ne buree daalee| jis daalee pe mainne nazar daalee vohee daalee kiseene tod daalee !
  2. samajh samajh ke samajh ko samajho, samajh samajhana bhee ek samajh hai !
  3. mar ham bhee gae maraham ke lie, maraham na mila ham dam se gae, hamadam ke lie, hamadam na mila !
  4. टूट टूट कर कूट कूट कर !
  5. चार चोर चार छाते में चार अचार चाटे चाट-चाट कर चार छाता चोर चुराकर भागे !
  6. काला कबूतर सफेद तरबूज, काला तरबूज सफेद कबूतर !

8. A unique dare game. Get a funny Nickname for your friends

Write your name in the Japanese language! A fun way to get a new nickname.

Choose the letters of your name and combine them to tell your friends about their funny Japanese nicknames

A= jo, B= ari, C= mi, D= fu,

E= ki, F= le, G= fi, H= ra, I= ri, J= zy

K= mi, L= ta, M= sin, N= to, O= me, P= po

Q= ko, R= jhi, S= za, T= pi, U= joi, V= xu, W= lei, X= zi Y= vu, Z= qo.

Please send your Ninja name

9. New game: Choose your Birthday Month

Choose your Birthday Month

Select your birth month and check what is your nature and look

  1. January
  2. February
  3. March
  4. April
  5. May
  6. June
  7. July
  8. August
  9. September
  10. October
  11. November
  12. December

Dare game answers

  • Jan: Charming’
  • Feb: Sweet
  • March: Innocent 
  • April: Cute 
  • May: Naughty
  • June: Hot  
  • July: Moody
  • Aug: Handsome 
  • Sep: Loving 
  • Oct: Intelligent
  • Nov: Sensitive 
  • Dec: Cool 

10. Whatsapp Puzzle game- Jumbled alphabet

Jumbled alphabets games

In these WhatsApp dares games for friends, you have to think of the correct arrangement of letters to form meaningful words. A hint is given in the bracket to make the game a little easier

  1. RUBELPM (Profession)
  2. MAWBCE (Gadget)
  3. DYFNGRILEA (Vegetable)
  4. NOMETARLEW (Fruit)
  5. DOCLYU (Weather)
  6. PITLU (Flower)
  7. DIKYEN: (Body part)
  8. KASNLRIA (Country)
  9. OKEYRWN (City)
  10. AHPSWTAP (Body part)

Dare answers

  1. Plumber
  2. Webcam
  3. Lady finger
  4. Watermelon
  5. Cloudy
  6. Tulip
  7. Kidney
  8. Sri Lanka
  9. New York

11. New WhatsApp dare game for friends and family

Choose any app on your phone. Let’s see what nature do you have

✉Messaging app

📲📞Contacts app

📱📷 Gallery app

📂File Manager app

🌐Browser app


Dare Answer : 

1) ✉Messaging app: Loving and Caring

2) 📲📞Contacts app: Very talkative and Bold

3) 📱📷 Gallery app: Romantic and Deep Thinker

4) 📂File Manager app: Social and Funny

5) 🌐Browser app: Boring and Selfish

6) ⚙🛠Settings: Irritating

12. Friendship puzzle game for WhatsApp

You have to Solve the given WhatsApp Quiz in 5 minutes.

For example:

Question: 26 L of the A

Answer: 26 Letters of the Alphabet

Now, it’s your turn. Solve the below 10 Quiz as fast as you can.


  • 1) 206 B in a B
  • 2) 24 H in a D
  • 3) 18 H on a G C
  • 4) 7 W of the W
  • 5) 6 B in an O
  • 6) 52 C in a P
  • 7) 7 D of the W
  • 8) 5 F on an H
  • 9) 64 S on CB
  • 10) 12 S of the Z

Dare Answer : 

  • 1) 206 Bones in Body
  • 2) 24 Hours in a Day
  • 3) 18 Holes on a Golf Course
  • 4) 7 Wonders of the World
  • 5) 6 Balls in an Over
  • 6) 52 Cards in Pack
  • 7) 7 Days of the Week
  • 8) 5 Fingers of Hand
  • 9) 64 Squares of Chess Board
  • 10) 12 Signs of the Zodiac

13. Guess the songs dare game

Guess the songs WhatsApp game

Guess the song name using the emoji

Whatsapp game guess the song
Whatsapp game guess the song answers

14. Guess the song name using Emoji

Guess the song name using Emoji
  1. Ye teri aankhein jhuki jhuki, Ye tera chehra khila khila
  2. Hum tum Ek kamre me band ho, aur chabi kho jaye
  3. Chandni, Tu meri chandni
  4. Chand taare phool aur kaliyan, tumse achcha kaun hai?
  5. Dil cheej kya hai p meri jaan lijiye
  6. 4 baje gaye lekin part abhi baki hai
  7. Dekha hai pahli baar sajan ki aankhon me pyaar
  8. Phir haath me sharaab hai sach bolta hun main

15. Guess the vegetable name

Guess the vegetable name

Dare answers

  1. Carrot
  2. Cauliflower
  3. Eggplant
  4. Onion
  5. Cabbage
  6. Ladysfinger

16. Guess the job game

In this, you have to guess the job using WhatsApp emojis.

Whatsapp game guess the job
  1. Teacher
  2. Police
  3. Ranger
  4. Sculptor
  5. Carpenter
  6. Doctor
  7. Actor
  8. Banker
  9. Gamer
  10. Painter

17. Guess the movie name Whatsapp dare

Truth and dare movie

Use your knowledge to guess the movie name using the WhatsApp emojis

Guess the movie name Whatsapp dare

Dare answers

  1. Bahuballi
  2. Judwa 2
  3. Andha dhun
  4. Dream girl
  5. Agnipath
  6. Gunday( Gun+Day)
  7. Titanic
  8. Ghost Rider
  9. Chennai express
  10. Kali charan
  11. Budha hoga tera baap
  12. Bhoot uncle
  13. Singam( Singha + gum)
  14. Money Heist (money + hi+st)

18. Whatsapp dare game – Guess the state names using Emoji

Use your knowledge to guess the State names using the WhatsApp emojis

Guess the state names using Emoji
  1. Delhi
  2. Agra
  3. Indore
  4. Chennai(Chain+New)
  5. Bombay(Bomb+Bae😘)
  6. Kanpoor(Kaan+Poo+rrrr)
  7. Chandigarh(Chand+di+garh)
  8. Karnataka(Car+net+ek+A)
  9. West Bengal(West logo +Bangle)
  10. Rajasthan(Raja+Sthan)

19. Dare game- Find the incorrect

Check If there is any msitake here :

  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D
  5. E
  6. F
  7. G
  8. H
  9. I
  10. J
  11. K
  12. L
  13. M
  14. N
  15. O
  16. P
  17. Q
  18. R
  19. S
  20. T
  21. U
  22. V
  23. W
  24. X
  25. Y
  26. Z

Have you made a mistake from the above? I guess, no 😜😝.

Let me tell you the answer. Mistake: Mistake? (first line)

20.Truth and dare questions in Hindi(Whatsapp dare in Hindi)

Aap ko bachpan se kya ban ne ki khwahish hai…?

  • 1️⃣
  • 2️⃣
  • 3️⃣
  • 4️⃣
  • 5️⃣
  • 6️⃣
  • 7️⃣
  • 8️⃣
  • 9️⃣
  • 🔟

Reply Must

Answer :

11️⃣: Dhobi

22️⃣: Sweeper

33️⃣: Waiter

44️⃣: Watchman

55️⃣: Kasai

66️⃣: Mochi

77️⃣: Khilone wala

88️⃣: Gupchup wala

99️⃣: Sabzi wala

10🔟: Plumber

21. Friendship friends dare game with an answer

🧡Fill It For Me 💙

One Nick Name____ 💕

One Relation____ 💞

One Dil Ki Bat_____💓

One unique adat_____💗

One Cute Advice____ 💖

One Buri Aadat_____ 💘

One Achi Aadat_____ 💝

Agar ek acha dost samjhte ho toh Reply zarur karna. If you allow me I can also upload your answer in my WhatsApp status.

22. Whatsapp games for friends with answers

AapKo Iss Duniya Mein Kis Chiz Ki Bohut Jarurat Hai. 

Ek Number Select Karen. 

1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10

Reply Must Answers Share With Your Friends

1: Girlfriend/Boyfriend Ki

2: Ek iPhone ki

3: Paise Ki

4: Sache Piyar Ki

5: Shadi Ki

6: Ek Cup Tea Ki

7: Mere Jaise Dost Ki

8: Freedom of life Ki

9: Friends ki

10. Sone ki

23. Whatsapp Dare for friends, relatives, and couples

Dare: Put one of the below-mentioned lines to your status

1. Shifting To Agra

2. Shifting To Mumbai

3. Shifting To Kota

4. Shifting To Chennai

5. Shifting To Kolkata

6. Shifting To Hyderabad

7. Shifting To Bhubaneswar

8. Shifting To Bhopal

9. Shifting To Pune

10. Shifting To Ahmedabad

11. Shifting To US

12. Shifting To London

13. Shifting To Paris

14. Shifting To Lucknow

15. Shifting To Jharkhand

16. Shifting To Thailand

Forward this message to everybody who replies to your status.👍😜 !!

The funny part begins right now🤣😂😝!!

Or ab Mai Tumko ek number deta hu, ready raho😆🙊👍

Is status ko 1 din tak apne status me bana rhne dena🤣🤣🤣

Status pe reply kiya 🤪🤪 Ab Pakde gaye🤣🙊😝!!

Ab Tumhe ye Dare complete Karna padega😄..!!

Mai Tumhe 1 to 15 tak ka koi number bolunga

and Tumko wo Number k side me jo v sentence likha hua milega, use tumko apne status mein likhna padega 👍😁

Aur jo v tumhare status me reply karega. Tum v usko yehi karne bona. Dekhte hai kitne aise dost tumhe reply karte hai jo kabhi message hi nahin karte hai😁😂🤣😛

24. Whatsapp riddle game

Whatsapp game with riddles

Whatsapp riddles 

  1. What game can be dangerous to your mental health?
  2. What sport has four letters, is played all around the world, and begins with a T?
  3. We are 5 little things that you use all the time time, and you’ll find all of us on “a tennis court”. What are we?
  4. I am a horse without legs and a body, I jump but never run. What type of Horse Am I?
  5. How did the baseball fan know before the game that the score would be 0-0?
  6. Two silk worms in a race. Who won the race?
  7. You live in a one-story house made entirely of redwood. What color would the stairs be?
  8. Mr. and Mrs. Champu has 6 sons and each son has one sister. How many people are in the Mustard family?
  9. A boy is walking down the road with a doctor. While the boy is the doctor’s son, the doctor is not the boy’s father. Then who Is the doctor?
  10. A boy is walking down the road with a doctor. While the boy is the doctor’s son, the doctor is not the boy’s father. Then who is the doctor?


  1. Marbles because you might lose them
  2. Golf
  3. The vowels (a,e,i,o,u)
  4. A chess piece (horse/knight)
  5. The score is always 0-0 before a game
  6. Neither, it end in a tie
  7. What are stairs? You live in a one-story
  8. There are 9 Champu members in the family. Since each son shares the same sister, there are six boys, and one girl, and Mr. and Mrs.Champu
  9. The doctor is the boy’s mother
  10. The doctor is the boy’s mother

Whatsapp Riddle game 2

  1. What starts with the letter “t”, is filled with “t” and ends with “t”?
  2. How many months have 28 days?
  3. I am tall when I am young and I am short when I am old. What Am I?
  4. What is easy to get into, but hard to get out of?
  5. What is at the end of a rainbow?


  1. Teapot
  2. All months
  3. Candle
  4. Trouble
  5. W

WhatsApp Riddle Game 3

  • I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have nobody, but I come alive with the wind.
  • You see a boat filled with people. It has not sunk, but when you look again, you don’t see a single person on the boat. Why?
  • What has keys but can’t open locks?
  • What is always in front of you but can’t be seen?
  • There’s a one-story house in which everything is yellow. Yellow walls, yellow doors, yellow furniture. What color are the stairs?
  • What can travel around the world while staying in a corner?
  • I’m tall when I’m young, and I’m short when I’m old.
  • What has many keys but can’t open a single lock?
  • What has a head, and a tail, is brown, and has no legs?
  • What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?


  • An echo.
  • All the people were married.
  • A piano.
  • The future.
  • There aren’t any stairs—it’s a one-story house.
  • A stamp.
  • A candle.
  • A computer keyboard.
  • A penny.
  • The letter ‘M’.

25. Whatsapp truth and dare game (New)

Choose the fruit from the list given below to start the ” Truth tell game

  1. 🥝
  2. 🥥
  3. 🍇
  4. 🍉
  5. 🍋
  6. 🍌
  7. 🍍
  8. 🥭
  9. 🍎
  10. 🍓

Dare questions connected with each fruit

  1. 🥝Have you ever faked sickness to stay home from school?
  2. 🥥Do you wash your hands after going to the toilet?
  3. 🍇Have you ever lied to a teacher, and what was that about?
  4. 🍉What’s the meanest/worst thing you’ve done before today?
  5. 🍋What is your biggest flaw?
  6. 🍌What was your last dream about?
  7. 🍍What is the first thing you would do if you were the other gender for 1 day?
  8. 🥭What would you do to tell someone that you like him/her?
  9. 🍎Do you have a fake Facebook/Instagram ID?
  10. 🍓What is the longest time that you think you could go without your cell phone?

26. Latest WhatsApp dare question game

Choose your favorite flower to get a dare. You have to complete the dare otherwise your hair will fall out very soon.😜😝

1.💐 2.🌸 3.🍁 4.🌺 5.🌻 6.🌼 7.🌷 8.🍀 9.🌹

  • 1.💐 Make a freestyle rap song about three people in the group.
  • 2.🌸 Promise you will only shower in cold water for the next 7 days.
  • 3.🍁 Sing everything you say until your next turn
  • 4.🌺 Make a really silly face and take a selfie.
  • 5.🌻 Whistle your favorite song.
  • 6.🌼 Mix different types of sauces and eat the result
  • 7.🌷 Go outside and dance like a cowboy!
  • 8.🍀 Pour water on yourself.
  • 9.🌹 Sing a song with water in your mouth.

27. October Whatsapp dare questions

Hey buddy, choose any ball from here👇. Let’s see how courageous you are to complete the dare😝😎


Dares for every ball chosen

  • ⚽Drink a glass of water…like a cat
  • ⚾Imitate an animal chosen by the group.
  • 🥎Wear 5 shirts one over another.
  • 🏀Scream in a pillow at the top of your lungs
  • 🏐Count from 1 to 100 in 20 seconds
  • 🏈Yell out the first word that comes to your mind right now
  • 🏉Post a video on YouTube, Instagram, or Facebook with you singing a popular song.
  • 🎱Lick your elbow.
  • 🎳Touch the nose with your tongue
  • ⛳Dance like you are drunk

28. Whatsapp funny game

For males

Choose your birth month to know what your future wife will look like

  1. January
  2. February
  3. March
  4. April
  5. May
  6. June
  7. July
  8. August
  9. September
  10. October
  11. November
  12. December


  1. January- Rashmika Mandanna
  2. February- Anushka Sharma
  3. March- Ananya Pandey
  4. April- Samantha Akkineni
  5. May- Jennifer Lawrence
  6. June- Disha Patani
  7. July- Sunny Leone
  8. August- Tapsee Pannu
  9. September- Priyanka Chopra
  10. October- Kajol Aggarwal
  11. November- Deepika Padukone
  12. December- Single hi Marega Saale

How Many Marks Did You Get? The passing mark is 8

  • Propose a girl = 50 Marks
  • Kiss a girl = 20 marks
  • Hug a girl = 15 marks
  • Touch a girl = 8 marks
  • Talk to a girl = 5 marks
  • Imagine/seen a girl = 2 marks

For females

Choose your birth month to know what your future husband will look like

  1. January
  2. February
  3. March
  4. April
  5. May
  6. June
  7. July
  8. August
  9. September
  10. October
  11. November
  12. December


  1. Aamir Khan
  2. Ajay Devgan
  3. Allu Arjun
  4. Shahrukh Khan
  5. Salman Bhai
  6. Vijay Devarakonda
  7. Naga Chaitanya
  8. Ram Potheni
  9. Prabhas
  10. Akshay Kumar
  11. Kapil Sharma
  12. Nawazuddin Siddiqui

How Many Marks Did You Get?

  • Propose a boy = 50 Marks
  • Kiss a boy = 20 marks
  • Hgg a boy = 15 marks
  • Touch a boy = 8 marks
  • Talk to a boy = 5 marks
  • Imagine/seen a boy = 2 marks

Truth and dare games for WhatsApp (Latest)

Select your Month and Day of Birth and combine them to get a funny name (with a surname)😜😆

Month( First Name)

  1. January – Chuhiya
  2. February – Haddilaal
  3. March – Pondu
  4. April – Vaklandu
  5. May – Ganjuram
  6. June – Timbdelaal
  7. July – Habdubaaj
  8. August – Gadhendra
  9. September – Chompu
  10. October – Dingebaaz
  11. November – Bondrelu
  12. December – Thukukeli

Day( Surname)

  1. Sunday – Makode
  2. Monday – Chaddi
  3. Tuesday – Anus
  4. Wednesday – Muthare
  5. Thursday – Sandhua
  6. Friday – Gobarma
  7. Saturday – Chichodia

Whatsapp game with new truth & dare questions

Choose your favourite chocolate name to answer the questions(Truth game)

Truth questions

  • Cadbury dairy milk🍫- Would you like to cuddle with your left neighbor?
  • MilkyBar🍢 – What TV sitcom family would you be a member of?
  • KitKat 🍬– What is the hardest course for you at school?
  • Munch🍣 – What do you like most about your life?
  • Amul dark chocolate🥛 – Who taught you how to tie your shoes?
  • Lotte Choco pie 🍩– What is the worst sin you have ever committed?
  • Snickers🥖 – What bad thing have you done that no one else found out about?
  • Kinder Joy 🧉– If you had to murder someone, who would it be?
  • ChocOn 🎂– Are you scared of any bugs?
  • Lotus(Chuckles)🌯 – Have you ever sneaked snacks when your parents weren’t looking?

Never Have I Ever Question and answer games

You can send this message to your friends or can keep this text on your status to fill in the blank space

Never Have I Ever ____________________________________

A few examples are–

  1. I have never gifted any gifts to anybody
  2. I have never kissed anybody
  3. I never pretended to be sick
  4. I have never cheated in any exam.
  5. I never danced in the bathroom
  6. I have never had a crush on anybody
  7. I have never watched any web series
  8. I have never played PUBG
  9. I have never consumed alcohol
  10. I never pee on the wall

Loading more WhatsApp Truth & dare games…

We are updating this blog with new WhatsApp dare games on a regular basis. So whenever you want to start a WhatsApp game with your friends, just visit our blog Techsonu to get the new, trending and latest dare games.

Some Helpful Posts:

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What games can be played on WhatsApp with contacts?

You can play many varieties of WhatsApp dare games like riddles, maths quizzes, truth&dare, choose emoji, choose a number, and choose your birth month or date. You can also use WhatsApp emoji to play games like guessing movie names, song names, and fruits/vegetable names to make the conversation more interesting

How to play games on WhatsApp?

You can visit our blog to get updates on different types of WhatsApp games. Our creative team creates unique kinds of dares, questions, and other interesting games to provide you latest content every day

How to play games in a WhatsApp group

On our blog, you will get an idea of how to play games in the WhatsApp Group. There is nothing to do, you just need to copy the dare questions, or emojis from our blog and place them on the WhatsApp status, WhatsApp group or send them directly to your WhatsApp contact.

You send them the answers for the option they choose. You can continue the game by asking them to further share the questions

What are some good truth-or-dare questions?

There are much truth and dare questions created every day and published on our blog regularly. You just need to visit our blog whenever you want to start a game with your friends.

How to play truth or dare questions

The truth and Dare game is very simple to play. You have to ask your friends to choose between TRUTH or DARE. Whatever they choose, you simply visit our blog and copy the truth dare questions. Send these questions to them and ask them to reply with genuine answers without cheating.

This is how the game proceeds. You can also ask them to continue the game by sending these questions to their WhatsApp contact list

Photo of author
I am the owner of the blog My love for technology began at a young age, and I have been exploring every nook and cranny of it for the past eight years. In that time, I have learned an immense amount about the internet world, technology, Smartphones, Computers, Funny Tricks, and how to use the internet to solve common problems faced by people in their day-to-day lives. Through this blog, I aim to share all that I have learned with my readers so that they can benefit from it too.